
let me see you得给得给是什么歌,Swagger歌曲介绍


最近抖音上一首随便唱唱的歌曲突然间就火了,就连视频作者自己都不知道在唱什么,其中歌词是:“哇啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊~,哇啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊~,let me see you,dei gei dei gei,let me see you,hu shi hu shi”,就这么一首奇奇怪怪的bgm特别的洗脑,不少小伙伴都在问这是什么歌,下面走红网小编就来为大家介绍下这首歌。

这首歌的原版歌曲歌名叫做《Swagger》,是由Bombs Away (炸弹乐团)演唱的一首歌曲,而抖音上火起来的版本是莹酱翻唱的版本。


oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh simpleah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ahah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah simpleoh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh Let's playLet me see you that get that getLet me see you bass bassLet me see you bass bassLet me see you check it check itLet me see you that get that getLet me see you bass bassLet me see you bass bassLet me see you bass bassBoom shakaBoom shakaBoom to it againBoom shakaBoom shakaBoom to the rightRight boommmmmmmRight boommmmmmmRight boommmmmmmLet me see you that get that getLet me see you bass bassLet me see you that get that getLet me see you bass bassBoom shaka boom shakaBoom to it yesBoom shaka boom shakaBoom to it right

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